Paradigm Quality Comparison

Note that the screenshots have been taken from the game's built-in criterion and are not captured at exactly the same fourth dimension, so expect a little variance between them. Having that said they conspicuously prove the departure made by the anti-aliasing and PhysX features.

PhysX Off/AA Off Quality Sample #one
PhysX Off/AA On Quality Sample #1
PhysX On/AA On Quality Sample #1

In the first fix of images y'all will find that with anti-aliasing turned off there is non a huge deviation in visual quality. There are just a few jagged edges that are smoothed over such equally the window frame, however overall not a huge difference in this scene.

With PhysX turned on in the third screenshot the only fundamental difference is the rubble on the window sill. This alone saw our GeForce GTX 480 drib around 15% of its original performance. That's a big hit for a few pebbles.

PhysX Off/AA Off Quality Sample #2
PhysX Off/AA On Quality Sample #2
PhysX On/AA On Quality Sample #2

Once more please call back that these screenshots were not taken at the exactly aforementioned fourth dimension and then not all changes are relevant.

We see footling difference in visual quality with anti-aliasing disabled and enabled. The existent difference can be seen with PhysX. Now when the rubble explodes from the wall it stays on the footing and creates a real mess. However the toll of all this mess was huge when using our GeForce GTX 480 graphics carte, over threescore% of the original frame rate was lost.

PhysX Off/AA Off Quality Sample #three
PhysX Off/AA On Quality Sample #3
PhysX On/AA On Quality Sample #3

When looking at the comparison shots from this scene we detect much the aforementioned story. Anti-aliasing doesn't significantly clean upwards the image while PhysX adds rubble and a much more realistic feel that will come at a heavy cost equally we will await into shortly.

PhysX Off/AA Off Quality Sample #3
PhysX Off/AA On Quality Sample #three
PhysX On/AA On Quality Sample #3

This terminal serial of screenshots are a piffling different as they give u.s. a wider view of an outdoors scene. Still we see that anti-aliasing doesn't do much and with it turned on we still see quite a few rough edges. As before, the divergence betwixt having PhysX on and not having it is debris. With PhysX on nosotros have lots of shattered drinking glass on the basis along with a niggling rubble.