
Runescape Best Monster To Kill For Money

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Note: All prices are calculated using current Grand Exchange market prices, meaning the actual profit per hour may vary greatly from what is stated here. If you notice a discrepancy between profits listed here and profits listed on guide pages, it is likely a caching issue. You can force this page to update by clicking here.

Method Profit Skill Category Intensity Members Killing the Queen Black Dragon 4,470,000

138 Combat recommended
96 Summoning recommended (60 required)
96 Herblore recommended
95 Prayer recommended
50 Agility recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing aviansie 478,000 70 Ranged (80 recommended)
70 Defence recommended
92 Prayer useful Combat/Mid High Yes

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High level Barrows 4,100,000 110 Combat recommended Combat/High High Yes

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Killing Automaton Guardians 800,000

67 Slayer required
95 Prayer recommended
91 Herblore recommended
80 Magic recommended
70 Defence recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing black dragons 916,000

80 Ranged recommended
70 Defence recommended
67 Summoning recommended
85 Herblore recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing black unicorns 1,021,000 70 Combat recommended
25 Prayer recommended Combat/Low High Yes

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Killing blue dragons 803,000

110+ Combat recommended
85 Herblore recommended
70 Agility recommended
67 Summoning recommended
60 Dungeoneering recommended
68 Divination recommended

Combat/Mid High Yes

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Killing brutal green dragons 401,000

80 Ranged recommended
70 Defence recommended
67 Summoning recommended
85 Herblore recommended
92 Prayer recommended
68 Divination recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing cave slime 301,000 17 Slayer
50+ Combat recommended Combat/Low Moderate Yes

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Killing cave horrors 1,665,000

70 Magic/Attack recommended
70 Defence recommended
68 Summoning recommended
58 Slayer required

Combat/Mid Low Yes

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Killing chaos dwarves and hand cannoneers 2,340,000

70 Defence recommended
75 Magic recommended
92 Prayer recommended

Combat/Mid Low Yes

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Killing chickens 196,000 None required, although about 25 Magic-icon.png is recommended in order to kill chickens efficiently Combat/Low High No

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Killing cows and tanning cowhide 400,000 10+ Combat recommended Combat/Low High No

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Killing fiyr shades 832,000 100 Combat recommended
63 Firemaking Combat/Mid High Yes

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Killing frost dragons 5,402,000

85 Dungeoneering required
3 Invention recommended
85 Herblore recommended
92 Prayer recommended
96 Summoning recommended
110 Combat recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing ganodermic beasts 3,057,000

95 Slayer required
92 Prayer recommended
95 Magic recommended
75 Defence recommended
91 Herblore recommended
73 Agility recommended

Combat/High Moderate Yes

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Killing glacors 4,805,000

95 Prayer recommended
95 Magic recommended
80 Defence recommended
80 Constitution recommended
91 Herblore recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing gladii 2,300,000

81 Slayer required
92 Prayer recommended
80 Ranged recommended
80 Defence recommended
55 Magic recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing grifolapines 2,425,000

88 Slayer required
80 Magic recommended
70 Defence recommended
92/95 Prayer helpful

Combat/Mid High Yes

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Killing guards 909,000 60 Combat recommended Combat/Low High No

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Killing mature grotworms 614,000

80 Magic or Ranged or Attack recommended
55 Magic for High Level Alchemy
80 Defence recommended
50 Agility recommended

Combat/Mid High Yes

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Killing nechryael 982,000 80 Slayer
67 Summoning
110+ Combat recommended Combat/Mid High Yes

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{{Mmgtable/row|Activity = Killing Red dragons

Image = Killing red dragons.png Profit = 658720+491280-160000-25211.43 Skill = 30 Agility
85 Herblore recommended
80 Ranged recommended
70 Defence recommended
67 Summoning recommended
28+ Divination recommended Item = High level ranged gear, such as a hand cannon, royal crossbow, zaryte bow, or a set of ascension crossbows
War tortoise pouch recommended
Karamja gloves 4 recommended for shortcut
TokKul-Zo recommended Quest = None Other = Elite Karamja Tasks recommended Other Benefits = 100,000 Combat
33,000 Constitution Inputs = 2.5 x Super antifire (4).png Super antifire (4) (25,211.43)
160,000 Coins 10000.png Coins (gear repair) Outputs = 230 x Red dragonhide.png Red dragonhide 658,720
230 x Dragon bones.png Dragon bones 491,280 Location = Brimhaven Dungeon Category = Combat/Mid Intensity = High Details = Killing Red dragons gives good combat experience, and also decent money in the form of their 100% drops, dragon bones and red dragonhide, which sell for 2,136 and 2,864 respectively. This makes each kill worth 5,000 coins.

The only non-Wilderness location to kill red dragons is in the Brimhaven Dungeon. Access it using either the Karamja lodestone, a Brimhaven tablet, a charter ship to Brimhaven, or an amulet of glory. Entrance to the dungeon costs 875 coins, unless you've completed the Hard Karamja Tasks. Take the long path south and use the shortcut to enter the area. See the map of Brimhaven Dungeon for more information. Alternatively, if you are wearing the Karamja gloves 4, you may use the shortcut near the dungeon entrance to get to them much faster.

For those willing to take the risk of high level wilderness, Red Dragon Isle potentially offers the advantage of a nearby banker, William, who wanders both inside and outside of the gates. Alternately, those who have the Wilderness sword can use it to teleport to the Wilderness herb patch, which allows for quick returns from regular banks outside the Wilderness.

Red dragons are weak to crossbow bolts, but with high level weapons, any style will work. Super antifire is strongly recommended, as it will allow you to use both hands for weapons instead of an anti-dragon shield or equivalent. Using a Beast of Burden is also helpful to cut down on the number of bank runs. Simply attack the red dragons with abilities and pick up the hides and bones. With relatively high combat stats, you can kill them in about 10 to 13 seconds on average. When your inventory and your familiar are filled, teleport to a bank using a TokKul-Zo, ring of duelling, or similar, bank, and repeat.

Using a Sign of the porter II (28 Divination) or higher will allow you to automatically bank the red dragonhide.

If you don't have the level for super antifire potions, but do have 37 Prayer, you can instead use regular antifire potions combined with Protect from Magic, which will provide complete immunity from chromatic dragonfire.

Money making guide/Killing red dragons=Money making guide/Killing red dragons|=|=|%ARGS%=§Activity = Killing Red dragons

§Image = File:Killing red dragons.png§400px §Profit = {GEP§Red dragonhide§230}+{GEP§Dragon bones§230}-160000-{GEP§Antifire (3)§3.33} §Skill = 30 {scm§Agility}
85 {scm§Herblore} recommended
80 {scm§Ranged} recommended
70 {scm§Defence} recommended
67 {scm§Summoning} recommended
28+ {scm§Divination} recommended §Item = High level ranged gear, such as a Hand cannon§hand cannon, Royal crossbow§royal crossbow, Zaryte bow§zaryte bow, or a set of Ascension crossbow§ascension crossbows
War tortoise pouch recommended
Karamja gloves 4 recommended for shortcut
TokKul-Zo recommended §Quest = None §Other = Elite Karamja Tasks recommended §Other Benefits = 100,000 {scm§Combat}
33,000 {scm§Constitution} §Inputs = 2.5 x {plink§Super antifire (4)} ({GEPrice§Antifire (3)§3.33})
160,000 {plink§Coins} (gear repair) §Outputs = 230 x {plink§Red dragonhide} {GEPrice§Red dragonhide§230}
230 x {plink§Dragon bones} {GEPrice§Dragon bones§230} §Location = Brimhaven Dungeon §Category = Combat/Mid §Intensity = High §Details = Killing Red dragons gives good combat experience, and also decent money in the form of their 100% drops, dragon bones and red dragonhide, which sell for {GEPrice§Dragon bones} and {GEPrice§Red dragonhide} respectively. This makes each kill worth {formatnum:{#expr:{GEP§Dragon bones}+{GEP§Red dragonhide} coins.

The only non-Wilderness location to kill red dragons is in the Brimhaven Dungeon. Access it using either the Karamja lodestone, a Brimhaven tablet, a charter ship to Brimhaven, or an Amulet of glory§amulet of glory. Entrance to the dungeon costs 875 coins, unless you've completed the Hard Karamja Tasks. Take the long path south and use the shortcut to enter the area. See Map:Brimhaven Dungeon§the map of Brimhaven Dungeon for more information. Alternatively, if you are wearing the Karamja gloves 4, you may use the shortcut near the dungeon entrance to get to them much faster.

For those willing to take the risk of high level wilderness, Red Dragon Isle potentially offers the advantage of a nearby banker, William, who wanders both inside and outside of the gates. Alternately, those who have the Wilderness sword can use it to teleport to the Wilderness herb patch, which allows for quick returns from regular banks outside the Wilderness.

Red dragons are weak to crossbow bolts, but with high level weapons, any style will work. Super antifire is strongly recommended, as it will allow you to use both hands for weapons instead of an anti-dragon shield or equivalent. Using a Beast of Burden is also helpful to cut down on the number of bank runs. Simply attack the red dragons with abilities and pick up the hides and bones. With relatively high combat stats, you can kill them in about 10 to 13 seconds on average. When your inventory and your familiar are filled, teleport to a bank using a TokKul-Zo, ring of duelling, or similar, bank, and repeat.

Using a Sign of the porter II (28 {scm§Divination}) or higher will allow you to automatically bank the red dragonhide.

If you don't have the level for super antifire potions, but do have 37 Prayer, you can instead use regular antifire potions combined with Protect from Magic, which will provide complete immunity from chromatic dragonfire. }}

Killing rorarii 3,121,000 81 Slayer required
96 Herblore recommended
92 Prayer recommended
80 Ranged recommended
80 Defence recommended
68 Summoning recommended Combat/High Low Yes

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{{Mmgtable/row|Activity = Killing skogres and zogres

Image = Killing skogres and zogres.png Profit = 589920-4097 Skill = 70+ Combat recommended Item = Good combat equipment Quest = Zogre Flesh Eaters Other = None Other Benefits = 26,000 Combat
9,000 Constitution Inputs = Ring of duelling (8).png Ring of duelling (8) (4,097) Outputs = 240 x Ogre coffin key.png Ogre coffin key (589,920) Location = Jiggig Category = Combat/Mid Intensity = High Details = Skogres and zogres can be found in Jiggig during and after the Zogre Flesh Eaters quest, and they always drop the ogre coffin keys that are used to loot ogre coffins. Since the bones from the coffins are quite valuable, the keys are valuable and skogres/zogres can be very worthwhile to kill.

The undead ogres are located south of Castle Wars, in the main Jiggig area past the skull barrier. The easiest way to get here (and to bank) is by using the ring of duelling.

They are level 56 and only have 2000 life points, but there's a hitch -- unless you're using the ogre composite bow and brutal arrows, your damage will be reduced to 25% of what it would normally be. Since the ogre bow is a low-level weapon and brutal arrows can be difficult to obtain, it's often better to accept the reduction in damage and fight them with high-level, non-specialized items. Both monsters are weak to fire spells, but this seems to only give a boost in accuracy -- and since the creatures are low-level, you should generally be hitting 100% of the time regardless. Using melee is not recommended as the zogres/skogres have a long death animation and it's worth it to kill one, walk over to it, attack another one from a distance, and pick up the key once it shows up.

You should do this on a populated world, as the location is nearly always empty, and on low-population worlds the six monsters in the main pen may not respawn in time. It should only take 10-20 seconds to kill one even with the damage penalty, so a full inventory might take 8-10 minutes. Banking is very quick at Castle Wars. After you've finished, sell your keys on the Grand Exchange, but keep in mind that as ogre coffin keys have a low buying limit, you may be able to sell them in bulk for a higher price.

Alternatively, you could loot coffins with the keys you've obtained. This is more efficient since it saves banking time and can even be used between monster respawns. See Money making guide/Looting ogre coffins for more information.

Money making guide/Killing skogres and zogres=Money making guide/Killing skogres and zogres|=|=|%ARGS%=§Activity = Killing skogres and zogres

§Image = File:Killing skogres and zogres.png§400px §Profit = {GEP§Ogre coffin key§240}-{GEP§Ring of duelling (8)} §Skill = 70+ {scm§Combat} recommended §Item = Good combat equipment §Quest = Zogre Flesh Eaters §Other = None §Other Benefits = 26,000 {scm§Combat}
9,000 {scm§Constitution} §Inputs = {plink§Ring of duelling (8)} ({formatnum:{#expr:{GEP§Ring of duelling (8)}) §Outputs = 240 x {plink§Ogre coffin key} ({formatnum:{GEP§Ogre coffin key§240}) §Location = Jiggig §Category = Combat/Mid §Intensity = High §Details = Skogres and zogres can be found in Jiggig during and after the Zogre Flesh Eaters quest, and they always drop the ogre coffin keys that are used to loot ogre coffins. Since the bones from the coffins are quite valuable, the keys are valuable and skogres/zogres can be very worthwhile to kill.

The undead ogres are located south of Castle Wars, in the main Jiggig area past the skull barrier. The easiest way to get here (and to bank) is by using the ring of duelling.

They are level 56 and only have 2000 life points, but there's a hitch -- unless you're using the ogre composite bow and brutal arrows, your damage will be reduced to 25% of what it would normally be. Since the ogre bow is a low-level weapon and brutal arrows can be difficult to obtain, it's often better to accept the reduction in damage and fight them with high-level, non-specialized items. Both monsters are weak to fire spells, but this seems to only give a boost in accuracy -- and since the creatures are low-level, you should generally be hitting 100% of the time regardless. Using melee is not recommended as the zogres/skogres have a long death animation and it's worth it to kill one, walk over to it, attack another one from a distance, and pick up the key once it shows up.

You should do this on a populated world, as the location is nearly always empty, and on low-population worlds the six monsters in the main pen may not respawn in time. It should only take 10-20 seconds to kill one even with the damage penalty, so a full inventory might take 8-10 minutes. Banking is very quick at Castle Wars. After you've finished, sell your keys on the Grand Exchange, but keep in mind that as ogre coffin keys have a low buying limit, you may be able to sell them in bulk for a higher price.

Alternatively, you could loot coffins with the keys you've obtained. This is more efficient since it saves banking time and can even be used between monster respawns. See Money making guide/Looting ogre coffins for more information. }}

Killing snakes 2,894,000 50 Combat recommended Combat/Low High Yes

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Killing steel dragons 487,000

85 Herblore recommended
92 Prayer recommended
80 Defence recommended
80 Dungeoneering recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing unicows 1,645,000 67 Summoning (for war tortoise familiar)
90 Combat (recommended) Combat/Mid High Yes

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Killing warped bats 638,000 30 Combat (recommended) Combat/Low High No

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Killing tormented demons 2,305,000

80 Magic recommended
80 Ranged recommended
42 Defence and 42 Constitution for Void knight armour
80+ Prayer (95 recommended)
96 Herblore recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing exiled kalphite paragons 775,000

80 Magic or Ranged recommended
80+ Defence recommended
92+ Prayer recommended
96+ Summoning recommended
84+ Smithing recommended

Combat/High Moderate Yes

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{{Mmgtable/row|Activity = Completing the Fight Kiln

Image = Har-Aken Attacks.png Profit = 4595888-16788-33906-36000-363168-13120-38660-4,334-46,600-32,415 round -4 Skill =

90+ Magic recommended
90+ Attack / Strength recommended
90+ Ranged recommended
92/95+ Prayer recommended
96 Herblore recommended

Item = Quest = Other =

Have sacrificed a fire cape for entry into the Kiln

Other Benefits = 300,000 Magic / Attack Inputs = Outputs = 2 Uncut onyx.png uncut onyxes (4,595,888) Location = Fight Kiln Category = Combat/High Intensity = High Details = This guide assumes a completion speed of 30 minutes per Kiln on fast spawns with cutscenes disabled; your actual profit per hour will vary with different completion speeds.

Completing the Fight Kiln gives the player a choice of one of two rewards: the TokHaar-Kal or an uncut onyx. Completing this minigame is the fastest way to earn an uncut onyx and the only guaranteed method.

Most of the monsters pose no threat with high level gear and stats. This makes most of the waves straightforward combat against multiple enemies. For the most part, having Soul Split active the entire time will heal back any damage taken. Attack enemies with the side of the combat triangle they are weak to.

At the beginning of every even numbered wave, a crystal will spawn in the centre of the arena. There are 6 crystals, and each crystal appears 3 times. Magic, Ranged, and Strength crystals raise their respective stat to 150% (148 at level 99), but lower defence, the other offensive stats (excluding attack) to 48. Using stat restoration of any kind will not remedy this decrease, as the stats are lowered again every few seconds. These crystals are not very useful for attacking as they also appear to lower your accuracy when attacking. It is unknown if this is intentional. The other 3 crystals are restoration, invulnerability, and constitution. These crystals are not necessary for a successful run, but can prove very useful in a pinch. The invulnerability crystals prove to be especially useful on wave 36.

Only two monsters pose any real threat in the Fight Kiln: TokHaar-Ket-Dill and TokHaar-Jad. The latter, however, can have its damage completely nullified if the correct deflection curse is put on in time. When TokHaar-Jad swiftly slams the ground with his front two feet, turn on Deflect Ranged. When he pulls his head inwards and then stands on his hind legs, turn on Deflect Magic. All other monsters during that wave can be ignored as you fight TokHaar-Jad, as they should not deal a significant amount of damage. Wave 36 is comprised of 2 TokHaar-Jad. This can be handled either by luring one around the rock in the centre of the field and taking down the other without interruption, or by using an invulnerability crystal to temporarily avoid all damage. It is worth saving a crystal for this, as it has limited uses when you can rely on Soul Split to heal. TokHaar-Jad appears on waves 10, 20, 30, 34, 35, and twice on wave 36.

TokHaar-Ket-Dill are the only monsters that will deal a dangerous amount of damage. They must first have their armour chipped off by attacking them with a rune, dragon, or crystal pickaxe. Your accuracy affects your ability to damage their armour. Alternatively, using a melee weapon while having the pickaxe on the tool belt will also chip off its armour. If you have a steel titan or other familiar, it can deal damage even when the armour is not yet broken. After a few hits from the pickaxe, their armour breaks and damage can be dealt to them normally. Switch from your pickaxe to your staff to deal with them effectively. Every so often, TokHaar-Ket-Dill use their special attack (which is prompted in the chatbox as "The TokHaar-Ket-Dill slams the ground."), dealing around 1,500 life points. This damage cannot be avoided or protected against, even with an invulnerability crystal. Using prayers, curses, or the vampyrism aura provokes them to use this attack more often, so these should be avoided when in combat with them. TokHaar-ket-Dill appear on waves 5, 19, and six times on wave 28.

After completing waves 10, 20, 30, 33, and 36, there will be a short intermission and the size of the arena will shrink. This cutscene can be skipped by clicking anywhere outside of the chat box. After wave 36 is completed, Har-Aken, the final monster to defeat, will appear.

Har-Aken has 150,000 life points and will only surface from the lava every 72 seconds. Attacking the tentacles will not affect his head appearing; however, it is recommended to attack them with Soul Split active to mitigate any damage they may deal. When Har-Aken's head resurfaces, refocus your attacks on it. Build up adrenaline before it appears, activate a magic crystal, and use Onslaught until you must cancel it. Build back to 100% adrenaline on the tentacles and use Sunshine and a Replenishment potion when the head resurfaces. After Har-Aken is defeated, you will be offered your reward. If you click anywhere during this cutscene, you will exit the cave back to TzHaar City, but you may re-enter the cave to the Fight Kiln and speak with TokHaar-Hok to claim your prize. There is a bank immediately outside the entrance to the Fight Kiln, so it is quick to restock for subsequent playthroughs.

Coin profits guide/Completing the Fight Kiln=Coin profits guide/Completing the Fight Kiln|=|=|%ARGS%=§Activity = Completing the Fight Kiln

§Image = File:Har-Aken Attacks.png§400px §Profit = {GEP§Uncut onyx§2}-{GEP§Super restore (4)§6}-{GEP§Super prayer renewal potion (6)§2}-{GEP§Air rune§400}-{Ovlcost§4}-{GEP§Potion flask§2}-{GEP§Shark§20}-{GEPrice§Steel titan pouch§1}-{GEPrice§Steel of legends scroll§100}-{GEPrice§Weapon poison++ (4)§1.5} round -4

§Skill =

90+ {scm§Magic} recommended
90+ {scm§Attack} / {scm§Strength} recommended
90+ {scm§Ranged} recommended
92/95+ {scm§Prayer} recommended
96 {scm§Herblore} recommended

§Item = §Quest = §Other =

Have sacrificed a fire cape for entry into the Kiln

§Other Benefits = 300,000 {scm§Magic} / {scm§Attack}

§Inputs =

6 x {plink§Super restore (4)} ({GEPrice§Super restore (4)§8})
2 x {plink§Super prayer renewal potion (6)} ({GEPrice§Super prayer renewal potion (6)§2})
2 x {plink§Overload flask (6)} ({formatexpr§{Ovlcost§4} + {GEP§Potion flask§2})
400 x {plink§Air rune}s ({GEPrice§Air rune§400})
20 x {plink§Shark}s ({GEPrice§Shark§20})
1 x {plink§Steel titan pouch} ({GEPrice§Steel titan pouch§1})
100 x {plink§Steel of legends scroll} ({GEPrice§Steel of legends scroll§100})
1.5 x {plink§Weapon poison++ (4)} ({GEPrice§Weapon poison++ (4)§1.5})

§Outputs = 2 {plink§uncut onyx}es ({GEPrice§Uncut onyx§2}) §Location = Fight Kiln §Category = Combat/High §Intensity = High §Details = This guide assumes a completion speed of 30 minutes per Kiln on fast spawns with cutscenes disabled; your actual profit per hour will vary with different completion speeds.

Completing the Fight Kiln gives the player a choice of one of two rewards: the TokHaar-Kal or an uncut onyx. Completing this minigame is the fastest way to earn an uncut onyx and the only guaranteed method.

Most of the monsters pose no threat with high level gear and stats. This makes most of the waves straightforward combat against multiple enemies. For the most part, having Soul Split active the entire time will heal back any damage taken. Attack enemies with the side of the combat triangle they are weak to.

At the beginning of every even numbered wave, a crystal will spawn in the centre of the arena. There are 6 crystals, and each crystal appears 3 times. Crystal (magic)§Magic, Crystal (ranged)§Ranged, and Crystal (strength)§Strength crystals raise their respective stat to 150% (148 at level 99), but lower defence, the other offensive stats (excluding attack) to 48. Using stat restoration of any kind will not remedy this decrease, as the stats are lowered again every few seconds. These crystals are not very useful for attacking as they also appear to lower your accuracy when attacking. It is unknown if this is intentional. The other 3 crystals are Crystal (restoration)§restoration, Crystal (invulnerability)§invulnerability, and Crystal (constitution)§constitution. These crystals are not necessary for a successful run, but can prove very useful in a pinch. The invulnerability crystals prove to be especially useful on wave 36.

Only two monsters pose any real threat in the Fight Kiln: TokHaar-Ket-Dill and TokHaar-Jad. The latter, however, can have its damage completely nullified if the correct deflection curse is put on in time. When TokHaar-Jad swiftly slams the ground with his front two feet, turn on Deflect Ranged. When he pulls his head inwards and then stands on his hind legs, turn on Deflect Magic. All other monsters during that wave can be ignored as you fight TokHaar-Jad, as they should not deal a significant amount of damage. Wave 36 is comprised of 2 TokHaar-Jad. This can be handled either by luring one around the rock in the centre of the field and taking down the other without interruption, or by using an invulnerability crystal to temporarily avoid all damage. It is worth saving a crystal for this, as it has limited uses when you can rely on Soul Split to heal. TokHaar-Jad appears on waves 10, 20, 30, 34, 35, and twice on wave 36.

TokHaar-Ket-Dill are the only monsters that will deal a dangerous amount of damage. They must first have their armour chipped off by attacking them with a rune pickaxe§rune, dragon pickaxe§dragon, or crystal pickaxe. Your accuracy affects your ability to damage their armour. Alternatively, using a melee weapon while having the pickaxe on the tool belt will also chip off its armour. If you have a steel titan or other familiar, it can deal damage even when the armour is not yet broken. After a few hits from the pickaxe, their armour breaks and damage can be dealt to them normally. Switch from your pickaxe to your staff to deal with them effectively. Every so often, TokHaar-Ket-Dill use their special attack (which is prompted in the chatbox as "The TokHaar-Ket-Dill slams the ground."), dealing around 1,500 life points. This damage cannot be avoided or protected against, even with an invulnerability crystal. Using prayers, curses, or the vampyrism aura provokes them to use this attack more often, so these should be avoided when in combat with them. TokHaar-ket-Dill appear on waves 5, 19, and six times on wave 28.

After completing waves 10, 20, 30, 33, and 36, there will be a short intermission and the size of the arena will shrink. This cutscene can be skipped by clicking anywhere outside of the chat box. After wave 36 is completed, Har-Aken, the final monster to defeat, will appear.

Har-Aken has 150,000 life points and will only surface from the lava every 72 seconds. Attacking the tentacles will not affect his head appearing; however, it is recommended to attack them with Soul Split active to mitigate any damage they may deal. When Har-Aken's head resurfaces, refocus your attacks on it. Build up adrenaline before it appears, activate a Crystal (magic)§magic crystal, and use Onslaught until you must cancel it. Build back to 100% adrenaline on the tentacles and use Sunshine and a Replenishment potion when the head resurfaces. After Har-Aken is defeated, you will be offered your reward. If you click anywhere during this cutscene, you will exit the cave back to TzHaar City, but you may re-enter the cave to the Fight Kiln and speak with TokHaar-Hok to claim your prize. There is a bank immediately outside the entrance to the Fight Kiln, so it is quick to restock for subsequent playthroughs. }}

Killing General Graardor 2,205,000

138 Combat recommended (99 Attack, Defence, Strength, Constitution)
70 Strength required
96 Summoning recommended
96 Herblore recommended
92/95 Prayer recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing muspah 5,063,000

80 Magic recommended
92+ Prayer (95 recommended)
96 Herblore recommended
96 Summoning recommended

Combat/High Low Yes

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{{Mmgtable/row|Activity = Killing mithril dragons

Image = Killing mithril dragons.png Profit = 256320+245520+20895+14254.932+4525.8955+90000-178912-25211.43-45952.83-6075-11925 Skill =

80 Magic recommended
80 Defence recommended
92/95 Prayer recommended
67 Summoning recommended
85 Herblore recommended

Item = Quest = Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen recommended for fairy ring
The Elder Kiln recommended Other = Barbarian Training Other Benefits =

217,000 Magic / Defence
71,000 Constitution

Inputs = Outputs = Location = Ancient Cavern Category = Combat/High Intensity = High Details = The profit rate assumes 120 kills per hour. Your actual profit may be higher or lower depending on your speed.

Mithril dragons have a 100% drop of dragon bones and three mithril bars, in addition to dropping many High Level Alchemy items. Using Soul Split in addition to good defensive armour can keep you at or near full health while killing them. Mithril dragons are weak to earth spells, although with a chaotic staff or better and a high Magic level, any type of spell will have 100% accuracy against them. Super antifires are highly recommended, as using an anti-dragon shield or equivalent will inhibit your efficiency, and cut into your profit per hour.

They are located on the upper level of the Ancient Cavern, which requires Barbarian Training to access. The area is multicombat and the dragons are aggressive. Drink your super antifire, pray Soul Split and possibly Torment, and start attacking one of them with basic abilities, using the thresholds Wild Magic and Asphyxiate when available. Pick up the mithril bars, dragon bones and any other items worth keeping, and repeat. When your inventory and your war tortoise or pack yak are full, use the TokKul-Zo to teleport next to the TzHaar Fight Cave, and bank your loot. Run north to the fairy ring and use the code b j q to return to the Ancient Cavern.

Money making guide/Killing mithril dragons=Money making guide/Killing mithril dragons|=|=|%ARGS%=§Activity = Killing mithril dragons

§Image = File:Killing mithril dragons.png§400px §Profit = {GEP§Dragon bones§120}+{GEP§Mithril bar§360}+{GEP§Rune bar§7}+{GEP§Draconic visage§.012}+{GEP§Dragon full helm§.0037}+90000-{GEP§Prayer flask (6)§16}-{GEP§Antifire (3)§3.33}-{GEP§War tortoise pouch§1.33}-{GEP§Nature rune§15}-{GEP§Fire rune§75}

§Skill =

80 {scm§Magic} recommended
80 {scm§Defence} recommended
92/95 {scm§Prayer} recommended
67 {scm§Summoning} recommended
85 {scm§Herblore} recommended

§Item =

High-level magic armour (Robes of subjugation§Subjugation, Ganodermic armour§Ganodermic, Virtus armour§Virtus, Sea singer's robes§Sea singer)
TokKul-Zo strongly recommended
High-level magic weapon (Staff of light, Chaotic staff recommended)

§Quest = Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen recommended for fairy ring
The Elder Kiln recommended §Other = Barbarian Training §Other Benefits = 217,000 {scm§Magic} / {scm§Defence}
71,000 {scm§Constitution}

§Inputs =

16 x {plink§Prayer flask (6)} ({GEPrice§Prayer flask (6)§16})
2.5 x {plink§Super antifire (4)} ({GEPrice§Antifire (3)§3.33§round=0})
1.33 x {plink§War tortoise pouch} ({GEPrice§War tortoise pouch§1.33§round=0})
15 x {plink§Nature rune} ({GEPrice§Nature rune§15})
75 x {plink§Fire rune} ({GEPrice§Fire rune§75})
150,000 {plink§Coins} (gear repair)

§Outputs =

120 x {plink§Dragon bones} ({GEPrice§Dragon bones§120})
360 x {plink§Mithril bar} ({GEPrice§Mithril bar§360})
7 x {plink§Rune bar} ({GEPrice§Rune bar§7})
0.012 x {plink§Draconic visage} ({GEPrice§Draconic visage§.012§round=0})
0.0037 x {plink§Dragon full helm} ({GEPrice§Dragon full helm§.0037§round=0})
240,000 {plink§Coins} (High Level Alchemy)

§Location = Ancient Cavern §Category = Combat/High §Intensity = High §Details = The profit rate assumes 120 kills per hour. Your actual profit may be higher or lower depending on your speed.

Mithril dragons have a 100% drop of dragon bones and three mithril bars, in addition to dropping many High Level Alchemy items. Using Soul Split in addition to good defensive armour can keep you at or near full health while killing them. Mithril dragons are weak to earth spells, although with a chaotic staff or better and a high Magic level, any type of spell will have 100% accuracy against them. Super antifires are highly recommended, as using an anti-dragon shield or equivalent will inhibit your efficiency, and cut into your profit per hour.

They are located on the upper level of the Ancient Cavern, which requires Barbarian Training to access. The area is multicombat and the dragons are aggressive. Drink your super antifire, pray Soul Split and possibly Torment, and start attacking one of them with basic abilities, using the thresholds Wild Magic and Asphyxiate when available. Pick up the mithril bars, dragon bones and any other items worth keeping, and repeat. When your inventory and your war tortoise or pack yak are full, use the TokKul-Zo to teleport next to the TzHaar Fight Cave, and bank your loot. Run north to the fairy ring and use the code {fairycode§bjq} to return to the Ancient Cavern. }}

Killing Automaton Tracers -100,000

67 Slayer
95 Prayer recommended
96 Herblore recommended
90 Attack recommended
70 Defence recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing Fungal magi 1,934,000

77 Magic recommended
70 Defence recommended

Combat/Mid High Yes

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Killing green dragons 688,000

80 Combat recommended
68 Divination recommended
45 Crafting recommended

Combat/Mid High Yes

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Killing spiritual mages 3,039,000

83 Slayer required
80+ Ranged recommended
70 Agility recommended

Combat/High Moderate Yes

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Killing Araxxi 8,512,000

138 Combat recommended
96 Summoning recommended
96 Herblore recommended
95 Prayer recommended
90 Crafting recommended (for creation of Noxious weaponry)
92 Agility recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Barrows: Rise of the Six 9,694,000

138 Combat recommended
87 Summoning recommended for Nihil familiar
96 Herblore recommended
95 Prayer recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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{{Mmgtable/row|Activity = Killing abyssal demons

Image = Killing Abyssal demons.png Profit = 110520+193720+120770+69781.8+171000+470880+580040+210660+95000+15890+14190+166230+84360+550000-269742-33906-20685-363168-13120 Skill = 85 Slayer required
70+ Combat (138 recommended)
71 Prayer (95 recommended)
96 Summoning optional (can use Magic notepaper instead) Item = Gem bag upgrade
Spring cleaner 9001
Attuned ectoplasmator & Demon horn necklace
Enhanced Excalibur Quest = The Temple at Senntisten recommended for Ancient Curses Other = Magic notepaper instead of Pack yak
Luck of the dwarves (HSR chance)
Gold accumulator Other Benefits =

594,900 Combat

Inputs = Outputs =

60 x Uncut ruby.png Uncut ruby (110,520)
40 x Uncut diamond.png Uncut diamond (193,720)
10 x Uncut dragonstone.png Uncut dragonstone (120,770)
0.97 x Abyssal whip.png Abyssal whip (69,781.8)
5,700 x Pure essence.png Pure essence (171,000)
90 x Fire orb.png Fire orb (470,880)
20 x Rune chainbody.png Rune chainbody (580,040)
20 x Rune helm.png Rune helm (210,660)
30 x Adamant battleaxe.png Adamant battleaxe (166,230)
20 x Off-hand adamant battleaxe.png Off-hand adamant battleaxe (84,360)
250 x Magic logs.png Magic logs (95,000)
70 x Adamantite ore.png Adamantite ore (15,890)
10 x Runite ore.png Runite ore (14,190)
550,000 x Coins 10000.png Coins

Location = Kuradal's Dungeon (on task)
Top of the Slayer Tower (recommended) Category = Combat/Mid Intensity = Low Details = The profit rate assumes 900 kills per hour. Your actual profit may be higher or lower depending on your speed. If decided to train invention, ~800k Invention experience can be obtained per hour, siphoning at level 12. Having the perk Aftershock 3 will greatly speed up kills per hour. If using melee, it is preferred to use a melee weapon with a reach of 2 spaces.

Inventory space does fill up fast because of rare drops that do not stack. Having a lot of empty inventory spots can prove useful so that there is a less chance of banking, therefore, a less chance of another player stealing your spot.

Rune chainbodies, Rune helms, and Rune daggers may fail a spring cleaner roll, and therefore appear on the ground. If using Magic notepaper, it would be wise to only use it on rune chainbodies and rune helms. Rune daggers, due to their low cost, can either be left on the ground/sent to bank with winter storage scroll, or disassembled for components.

Attuned ectoplasmator can be used instead of Super prayer renewal potions, the cost for 900 kills would be 578,070.

If you decide to use Winter storage scrolls, you use about 60 scrolls per hour, saving all rune items that drop on the ground.

Money making guide/Killing abyssal demons=Money making guide/Killing abyssal demons|=|=|%ARGS%=§Activity = Killing abyssal demons

§Image = File:Killing Abyssal demons.png§400px §Profit = {GEP§Uncut ruby§60}+{GEP§Uncut diamond§40}+{GEP§Uncut dragonstone§10}+{GEP§Abyssal whip§.97}+{GEP§Pure essence§5700}+{GEP§Fire orb§90}+{GEP§Rune chainbody§20}+{GEP§Rune helm§20}+{GEP§Magic logs§250}+{GEP§Adamantite ore§70}+{GEP§Runite ore§10}+{GEP§Adamant battleaxe§30}+{GEP§Off-hand adamant battleaxe§20}+550000-{GEP§Aggression flask (6)§2}-{GEP§Super prayer renewal potion (6)§2}-{GEP§Magic notepaper§15}-{ovlcost§4}-{GEP§Potion flask§2} §Skill = 85 {scm§Slayer} required
70+ {scm§Combat} (138 recommended)
71 {scm§Prayer} (95 recommended)
96 {scm§Summoning} optional (can use Magic notepaper instead) §Item = Gem bag upgrade
Spring cleaner 9001
Attuned ectoplasmator & Demon horn necklace
Enhanced Excalibur §Quest = The Temple at Senntisten recommended for Ancient Curses §Other = Magic notepaper instead of Pack yak
Luck of the dwarves (Hazelmere's signet ring§HSR chance)
Gold accumulator §Other Benefits = 594,900 {scm§Combat} §Inputs =

2 x {plink§Aggression flask (6)} ({GEPrice§Aggression flask (6)§2})
2 x {plink§Overload flask (6)} ({formatnum:{#expr:{ovlcost§4}+{GEP§Potion flask§2})
2 x {plink§Super prayer renewal potion (6)} ({GEPrice§Super prayer renewal potion (6)§2})
15 x {plink§Magic notepaper} ({GEPrice§Magic notepaper§15})

§Outputs =

60 x {plink§Uncut ruby} ({GEPrice§Uncut ruby§60})
40 x {plink§Uncut diamond} ({GEPrice§Uncut diamond§40})
10 x {plink§Uncut dragonstone} ({GEPrice§Uncut dragonstone§10})
0.97 x {plink§Abyssal whip} ({GEPrice§Abyssal whip§.97})
5,700 x {plink§Pure essence} ({GEPrice§Pure essence§5700})
90 x {plink§Fire orb} ({GEPrice§Fire orb§90})
20 x {plink§Rune chainbody} ({GEPrice§Rune chainbody§20})
20 x {plink§Rune helm} ({GEPrice§Rune helm§20})
30 x {plink§Adamant battleaxe} ({GEPrice§Adamant battleaxe§30})
20 x {plink§Off-hand adamant battleaxe} ({GEPrice§Off-hand adamant battleaxe§20})
250 x {plink§Magic logs} ({GEPrice§Magic logs§250})
70 x {plink§Adamantite ore} ({GEPrice§Adamantite ore§70})
10 x {plink§Runite ore} ({GEPrice§Runite ore§10})
550,000 x {plink§Coins}

§Location = Kuradal's Dungeon (on task)
Top of the Slayer Tower (recommended) §Category = Combat/Mid §Intensity = Low §Details = The profit rate assumes 900 kills per hour. Your actual profit may be higher or lower depending on your speed. If decided to train invention, ~800k {scm§Invention} experience can be obtained per hour, siphoning at level 12. Having the perk Aftershock 3 will greatly speed up kills per hour. If using melee, it is preferred to use a melee weapon with a reach of 2 spaces.

Inventory space does fill up fast because of rare drops that do not stack. Having a lot of empty inventory spots can prove useful so that there is a less chance of banking, therefore, a less chance of another player stealing your spot.

Rune chainbody§Rune chainbodies, Rune helms, and Rune daggers may fail a spring cleaner roll, and therefore appear on the ground. If using Magic notepaper, it would be wise to only use it on rune chainbodies and rune helms. Rune daggers, due to their low cost, can either be left on the ground/sent to bank with winter storage scroll, or disassembled for components.

Attuned ectoplasmator can be used instead of Super prayer renewal potions, the cost for 900 kills would be {GEPrice§Ghostly essence§90}.

If you decide to use Winter storage scrolls, you use about 60 scrolls per hour, saving all rune items that drop on the ground. }}

Killing the Magister 9,735,000

115 Slayer
138 Combat recommended
96 Herblore recommended
95 Prayer recommended
87 Summoning recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing Helwyr (Mid Level) 2,514,000

138 Combat recommended
99 Summoning recommended
96 Herblore recommended
95 Prayer recommended
80 Magic required

Combat/Mid High Yes

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Killing Helwyr (High Level) 9,417,000

138 Combat recommended
99 Summoning recommended
96 Herblore required
95 Prayer required
80 Magic required

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing K'ril Tsutsaroth 4,752,000

120 Combat recommended
70 Constitution required
96 Herblore recommended
95 Prayer sometimes recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing gargoyles 2,194,000

92 Prayer or vampyrism aura recommended
75 Magic required
70 Defence recommended
75 Slayer required

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing celestial dragons 1,045,000

80 Ranged recommended
85 Herblore recommended (boosts can be used)
44 Prayer recommended

Combat/High Moderate Yes

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Killing Kree'arra 4,822,000

120 Combat recommended
70 Ranged required
96 Herblore recommended
95 Prayer sometimes recommended

Combat/High High Yes

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Killing corpse spiders 169,000 45 Magic recommended for Chain Combat/Low High No

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Killing warped tortoises 1,466,000 70 Magic/Ranged recommended
70 Defence recommended Combat/Mid High Yes

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It is strongly recommended to check the live prices on the Grand Exchange before making large investments in any method.

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Runescape Best Monster To Kill For Money


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